"AR Virtual Garden" by Aiko Fukuda was selected for Design Trend.
Adobe MAX Japan
Haguruma Night
Hiroshima FM Radio
Today at Apple
Adobe MAX Mini Workshop
Faber-Castell Coloring Workshop
Adobe Fresco Press Conference
Graf Von Faber-Castell Pop-up Coloring EventMoleskine 2018SS Press Conference
Today at Apple
Guest Lecturers at Fitchburg State University
Guest Lecturers at Draw A Lot College
Hi! I am Aiko Fukuda, a Japanese Multidisciplinary Artist and Illustrator based in Tokyo. I was born and raised in Chiba, Japan and moved to Boston after finishing high school. I graduated from Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts with a B.A. in Graphic Design. After completing my studies in the U.S. I returned to Tokyo where I began working as the in-house Graphic Designer for luxury concepts stores, and as Art Director for a Japanese tech company. At the same time, I continued my love for drawing where I find peace and serenity. In 2014 I decided to say goodbye to the corporate world and embarked on my biggest challenge yet - as a full-time illustrator.
My work has always been rooted in my childhood memories. My mom and older sister were very fashionable, I loved to sneak into their closets and wear their hand-me-downs. I cut and sewed clothes to fit my body, always thinking of different ways to wear them. This experience nurtured my creativity, and the value of "timeless beauty that transcends generations" that resides in objects became the foundation for my subsequent creative work as a visual artist.
My playfulness is also manifested in my creations. I mix analog and digital tools to create my illustrations with the warmth of human touch. In 2019, I was the first Japanese woman to be selected as an Adobe Creative Resident, and since then I have been pushing the boundaries of my artwork to incorporate technology using AR (Augmented Reality) and mixed media in a 3D context. My AR work "AR VIRTUAL GARDEN" which utilizes Adobe Aero was selected for DESIGN TREND 2021. My lifelong research into "What is possible with my illustrations" is bridging paper and technology and creating new ways of communication.福田愛子 イラストレーター & アーティスト
ブリッジウォーター州立大学芸術学部グラフィックデザイン学科卒業。帰国後企業のインハウスグラフィックデザイナーとしてキャリアをスタートさせる。その後IT企業のアートディレクター・マニラ駐在員と激動の4年間を過ごし退社し、イラストレーターとして自身の未知なる挑戦と人生の冒険に舵を切った。愛子は幼少時代からファッションに興味を持ち、母や姉から譲り受けた洋服たちを自分流にアレンジして着るのが好きな子どもだった。ものに宿る「世代を超えたタイムレスな美」の価値観が、後にアーティストとして生きる彼女のクリエイションの基盤となる。近年ではAR(拡張現実)を導入し、イラストとテクノロジーを融合させた表現方法を追求中。現在は東京とアントワープの2拠点で活動し、2018年にニューヨークで個展、2019年には日本人女性で初めての「アドビクリエイティブレジデント」に選出された。また最近ではAdobe Aeroを駆使したAR作品「AR VIRTUAL GARDEN」が DESGIN TREND 2021に選ばれ、Fitchburg State Universityなどの海外大学や国内外のイベントでゲストスピーカー・特別講師も務める。
2018 Nominated for Gmund Award, Germany
2017 Winner for Make it on Mobile by Adobe, USA
2022 ANB Studio Program, Tokyo, Japan
2019 Adobe Creative Residency, San Francisco, USA
2022 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Epilogue ⇄ Prologue Platform 29.8", ANB Gallery
2022 Tokyo, Group exhibition "ANB Open Studio Vol.4", ANB Gallery
2019 Tokyo, Adobe MAX JAPAN Installation "Wonder Chamber", Pacifico Yokohama Convention Center
2019 New York, Charity Auction "Art for Tibet", Gallery 8 NYC
2019 Los Angeles, Adobe MAX LA Solo Installation "Drawn Room", Los Angeles Convention Center
2019 Tokyo, Live Art "Today at Apple x The Big Draw", Apple Marunouchi
2019 New York, Group Exhibition "55Kids Day" by Copelus, SBC Art Gallery Brooklyn
2019 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Year of the Boar" by NiyaNiya Studio, Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan
2018 Tokyo, Collaboration Exhibition "Aiko Fukuda x Urban Research", Omotesando Hills
2018 New York, Solo Exhibition "Shape of Love", SBC Art Gallery Brooklyn
2017 Tokyo, Solo Exhibition "Cabinet of Curiosities" sponsored by Faber-Castell, Tokyo Midtown
2017 Tokyo, Live Art "Today at Apple", Apple Ginza
2017 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Karuta Ichi", Winged Wheel Aoyama Showroom
2017 Tokyo, Solo Exhibition "New Standard Legacy", Clothier Shibuya
2017 Tokyo, Solo Exhibition "Fashion Laboratory", L'illustre Galerie LE MONDE
2016 Tokyo, Group Exhibition Fashion Trade Show "Rooms", National Yoyogi Studium
2016 Tokyo, Collaboration Exhibition "Pas de Trois Dans le Salon" by repetto, Burnish Salon
2016 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Atelie Ebi Omo", Meguro Museum of Art
2015 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Love Drawing Vol.1", L'illustre Galerie LE MONDE
2014 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Present Graphic Expression", Recto Verso Gallery
2012 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Act Art Award 2012", The Art Complex Center of Tokyo
2012 Tokyo, Charity Exhibition "Thumbhole", Hiroshige Gallery
2011 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Atelier Omo3 Kawashima Dojo", Hiroshige Gallery, Tokyo
2010 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Chiyoda Art 3331 Independents", 3331 Arts Chiyoda
2010 Tokyo, Group Exhibition "Atelier Ebi Omo", Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo
2022 Vermillion
2022 Japan Marketing Association "HORIZEN"
2022 Sanyo Essentials
2021 Cosmopolitan Japan
2020 Mynavi News
2020 Adobe Fresco Relay
2019 Baus magazine
2019 Hug Letter
2019 Adobe Plus One
2019 Baus Magazine
2017 Container
2017 Mac Fan magazine
2022 MAC FAN Magazine
2022 bis Magazine
2020 Hanatsubaki Column
2020 Adobe Blog
2019 Wired
2019 Gigazine
2019 Pro News
2019 Creator Zine2019 Nikkei X Trend
2018 Fashion Press
2017 Adobe Create (USA)
2017 Artnet News (USA)
2017 Roland D.C. Imagine
2016 Vogue Japan
2016 Mac Fan magazine
2016 Isuta web
2014 KiDS magazine (FRANCE)
2020 Ballpoint Art 'Complexity from Simplicity' (CHINA)
2018 Pictoria Volume No.1 (AUSTRALIA)
2017 Fashion Illustration File
2016 A Journey Through Monochrome Illustrations
Press kit is available now!
Apple / Blurb / Bon Appétit Magazine / Caren / Elle Gourmet magazine / Hysteric Glamour / Madame Figaro Japon magazine / GQ Japan / Marine Layer / Melrose Store / Milapinou / Mitsukoshi Isetan department store / Panasonic Shiodome Museum / RedBull / S. Essentials / Subaru / Volvo / Vermillion / Wired magazine / WOWOW Plus TV / ...and many more.
Feel free to get in touch with Aiko for commissions, collaborations, and other projects you have in mind.
Copyright © 2024 Aiko Fukuda Studio. All right reserved.
Profile photograph was taken by Sarah Deragon. Special thanks to RH.
Thank you for not using or reproducing my works without permission.